August 20, 2009

poor little blog

Poor little blog. Poor, lonely little blog. No one visiting, no one stopping by to see what's new because, of course, there isn't anything. Lost our creative edge, have we little blog? What's that you say? I never write anymore? You haven't heard from me in months?

Awww, stop you're whining. Some of us have work to do. Real work. We can't always be sitting around indulging our creative whims, no matter how much we might want to. Life's tough, and the sooner you realize it the better. Now sit up straight, blow your nose and stop sniveling!

Ohhhhhh, I'm sorry blog. That was mean. Please don't be sad. I'll come see you again soon, you'll see. We'll do something original and clever together and it will be just like before- you and me-bffs.

Ok, so I really don't have time to stay; I just stopped in to make sure you were still alive. Love you. Miss you. Be back soon. No really, I mean it this time.

Stop looking at me like that.